is daily activity that we can do with all people around the world. But to make
the communication pass well, we have to attention on the meaning based on the
context where and when we are speaking. We have to know about the Lexical
meaning. It covers among other things the discussion about denotation,
connotation, synonymy, antonym, ambiguity, hyponymy, polysemy, homophony, and
homonymy. Contribution to semantics has essentially two sources, namely
linguistics and philosophy. Linguistics
have contribute primary to the study of the core meaning or sense of individual
words whereas philosophers have especially contribute to the study of both
sentential and discourse meaning. The meaning of words or lexical meaning is
part of linguistic knowledge and is therefore a part of grammar. It is
complementary to the grammar in that the vocabulary or lexicon not only lists
the lexemes of the language, but associate with each lexeme all the information
that is required by the rule of the grammar.
Here, we try to analyze the lyric of “All about Loving
you” by Bon Jovi. Some of the words have lexical meaning that can we can
analyze. The data of lexical meaning category is present discussed or analyzed
and conclude. In that lyric, we found the several aspects of lexical meaning
such as antonym, synonym, polysemy, hyponymy, and ambiguity. Furthermore, let
we see the lyric.
2.1 The Data of
Song Lyric
All about Loving You
Looking at the pages of my life
Faded memories of me and you
Mistakes you know I've made a few
I took some shots and fell from time to time
Baby, you were there to pull me through
We've been around the block a time or two
I'm gonna lay it on the line
Ask me how we've come this far
The answer's written in my eyes
Every time I look at you, baby
I see something new
That takes me higher than before
and makes me want you more
I don't wanna sleep tonight
dreamin's just a waste of time
When I look at what my life's been comin' to
I'm all about lovin' you
I've lived, I've loved, I've lost,
I've paid some dues, baby
We've been to hell and back again
Through it all you're always my best friend
For all the words I didn't say
and all the things I didn't do
Tonight I'm gonna find a way
You can take this world away
You're everything I am
Just read the lines upon my face
I'm all about lovin' you
Faded memories of me and you
Mistakes you know I've made a few
I took some shots and fell from time to time
Baby, you were there to pull me through
We've been around the block a time or two
I'm gonna lay it on the line
Ask me how we've come this far
The answer's written in my eyes
Every time I look at you, baby
I see something new
That takes me higher than before
and makes me want you more
I don't wanna sleep tonight
dreamin's just a waste of time
When I look at what my life's been comin' to
I'm all about lovin' you
I've lived, I've loved, I've lost,
I've paid some dues, baby
We've been to hell and back again
Through it all you're always my best friend
For all the words I didn't say
and all the things I didn't do
Tonight I'm gonna find a way
You can take this world away
You're everything I am
Just read the lines upon my face
I'm all about lovin' you
2.2 The Analysis
lyric of song “All about Loving you” above shows that Bon Jovi used the lexical
meaning. There are several aspects that could be found such as denotative,
connotative, synonymy, antonymy, polysemy, hyponymy, and ambiguity.
and Denotative
The meaning of word is primary what is refers to the
real world, its denotative. This word can find in dictionary. Connotative arise
as words become related with certain characteristics of items to which they
refer, or the association of positive or negative feeling to which they evokes.
In the first lines of lyrics, we can find”Looking
at the pages of my life”.
The word “Life” has denotative meaning. It
indicates the ability to breath. But the word My Life is also has connotative
meaning. The word “Life” life is related with human life or animal life
and the activity that happen in days, whether it about happiness, sadness or
problem. All of them can be call Life in
connotative meaning.
is words which are the same sense opposite in meaning. There are several types
of antonym, complementary pairs, gradable pairs and relational antonym pairs of
antonym. We can see the example of the antonym from the lyric of “All about loving
you”, there are sentences:
you were there to pull me through”
me how we've come this far”
don't wanna sleep tonight”
takes me higher than before”
been to hell
and back again”
it all you're always my best friend”
From the Lyric above, complementary pairs of antonym
are the words before/after, friend/foe, sleep/awake, hell/paradise. The
example of gradable pairs of antonymy is the word far/near. It is true
gradable antonym that more of one is less of another. The characteristic of
pairs of gradable antonym is that one is marked and the other one is unmarked. And
the example of relational antonymy pairs is the word pull/push.
A word or sentence can be called as ambiguous if it
can be understood or interpreted in more than one ways. The different words
having same form or pronunciation may cause ambiguity among listeners or
readers who do not attention to their context carefully. Let`s see the example
of ambiguity sentence in the song lyric of “All about loving you”.
- When I look at what my life's been comin' to
- You can take this world away
In the first sentence (a), my life`s been coming’ may
be understood to mean “I can life more or my love comes again”. And in the
second sentence (b), you can take this world away can be interpreted to mean “you
can do what you want to do in this world or it can be mean “you can reach your
So that, from the example above we can know that word
ambiguous have many interpretation by people.
is a single word that has multiple meaning. For instance, we can see the word
“baby” in the one of lyrics “all about loving you”.
you were there to pull me through”
time I look at you, baby”
While the word “baby” we find in standard dictionaries
of English as a single lexeme with several distinguishable meaning, as being
young child or animal,
used affectionately to address husband or
“Baby”= word used to address our beloved boy or girl
word whose meaning contains the entire meaning of other words is called a
hyponymy which is known as the super ordinate. Or the meaning of word includes
the meaning of other words. For instance in the lyric of song “All about loving
read the lines upon my face”
The word Face here is super ordinates of the other
words such as mouth, nose, eyes, lips and others.
The lexical meaning or the meaning of word is part of
linguistic knowledge. From the analysis, a complete conclusion can be derived
that Bon Jovi frequently used several aspects of lexical meaning in the lyric
of “All about Loving You”, such as denotative, connotative, polysemy,
ambiguity, antonym, and hyponym.
Finally your suggestion or opinion to our analyzing is
our pleasure. If there are some mistakes and wrong in analyzing the lyric song,
we beg your respect to critic and suggest us. In order we can make better in
the next analysis.
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