Jumat, 07 Februari 2014


Abstract: This research study aims at investigating whether there is significant difference on the students’ reading comprehension ability before and after being taught using STAD. The research design of this study was experimental research. The researcher applied quasi-experimental, non randomized pre test and post test design, the variables examined in this research were independent variable teaching English using STAD and dependent variable students’ reading comprehension. In the end of the research, the researcher concluded that the effect of STAD on students’ reading comprehension ability by comparing the test result between the pre-test and post test in two classes. The findings of the research showed that the students which are taught using STAD have higher score than taught without STAD. It is proved by the calculation of mean score on experimental class was 21.31 and control class was 14.25. In percentage of the average achievement in reading comprehension, the control class had 14.25 % and the experimental class had 21.31%. So, we can say that there was 7.06 % difference. It can be concluded that the difference is statistically significant. It could be said that teaching reading comprehension using STAD is more effective than using conventional teaching.

Key Words: STAD, Reading process, Reading comprehension Ability
Since English in Indonesia is a foreign language, most students at any levels of education have difficulty reading English texts. According to Hamra, Many research results (Syatriana, 1998; Hamra, 1993 and 1996; Mardiana, 1993; Kweldju, 2001) indicated that the ability of Indonesian students to read English texts was very low. Most university graduates are not able to read English with complete comprehension. The Indonesian students need help with their reading comprehension. For students, reading is a key to improving learning outcome in many fields of study. Reading is an inseparable part of any English course.
According to Hamra (1993), in Indonesia, learning to read English starts at the fourth grade of elementary schools, and continues to junior and senior high schools up to the higher education. Learning to read is a process that involves a number of different skills and experience. It depends on learning to decode individual words and to comprehend the meaning of a text. The school curriculum in Indonesia states that by the end of the third grade of junior high school students are expected to recognize and understand about 1000 English words and about 2500 English words for senior high schools (Depdiknas, 2002). The English students at higher education are expected to read or comprehend English text books of different fields of study.
In the junior high school level, skills for comprehending English texts have been considered very important. For instance, as Cahyono and Widiati (2006) state prior to the implementation of the 2004 English curriculum, the objective of teaching was the development of communicative ability in English embracing four language skills, with reading skill being given a first priority. The 2004 English curriculum places reading is equal to other English language skills, those are, listening, speaking, and writing. According to the 2004 English curriculum, the objectives of English instruction at the two levels of secondary school (junior and senior high) are as follows (Translated from Depdiknas, 2004: 9 and Depdiknas, 2003: 7, originally written in slightly different Indonesian wordings):
  1. Developing communicative competence in spoken and written English language which comprises listening, speaking, reading, and writing”. 2) “Raising awareness regarding the nature and importance of English as a foreign language and as a major means for learning”. 3) “Developing understanding of the interrelation of language and culture, as well as cross-cultural understanding”.

As we know that most of learners told the students’ problem in learning reading such as they do not have enough vocabulary, are lazy to and not used to reading printed materials. Based on those problems, most of learner has difficulty in reading the text. According to Gabb (2000) in Alyousef, poses a very important question why learners face difficulties in moving into fluency stage although they have had basic decoding skills. She identifies a number of “barriers” for the reader was limited vocabulary and lack of background knowledge (schematic knowledge).
Teaching reading comprehension in junior high school needs such kind of communicative system. In order to make the learner understand the text well, the teacher should have good method to teach the learner. It is because when the students are taught using conventional method, the teaching learning processes only focus on the teacher and the learners do not pay attention to the teacher. Based on Hamra in his journal, using an interactive model for teaching reading comprehension is another effort to improve the reading comprehension of EFL students, especially the Indonesian students.
According to Slavin (1995:12) Student teams achievement division (STAD) has been used in a wide variety of subjects, from mathematics to language arts to social studies, and has been used from second grade through college. The STAD method is most appropriate for teaching well-defined objectives with single right answers, such as mathematical computations and applications, language usage and mechanics, geography and map skills, and science facts and concepts. However, it can easily be adapted for use with less well-defined objectives by incorporating more open-ended assessments, such as essays or performances. Based on Anto, et al (2013) Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) Method is more effective than conventional method to teach reading.
According to the statement above, the researcher purposes the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) as the method of teaching reading. We know that reading is one of important skills in the school; the exams of English usually use text to measure of students’ understanding about the text. The student should have good comprehension in the process of reading in order to understand the text and also pass the exam. According to 2004 curriculum state that at the national exam of the school in 2004/2005, the form of a junior high English test form of a written test with multiple choice questions for listening comprehension and reading comprehension.
Students Teams Achievement Division (STAD) is one of the cooperative learning that ask the learner to work in group. The learner should work in a group and solve the problem together with their group. Based on Slavin (1995) STAD is one of cooperative learning which have five phases those are teach, study team, individual quiz, scoring, and recognition. In STAD, each group consists of four to five students with different characteristic, intelligent, and gender. So, teaching learning process in the STAD is focus on the learners/students. STAD is a cooperative teaching method which was developed by Slavin (1978) as part of a student learning approach program  along with other cooperative methods such as Teams-Games-Tournaments, Jigsaw II (Slavin 1980), and Team Assisted Individualization (Slavin et al. 1981). In STAD, students are assigned to four- or five-member learning teams. The teams are composed of high, average, and low achiever, and of boys and girls of different racial or ethnic backgrounds. Thus, each team is a microcosm of the entire class.
Cooperative learning using STAD type consists of four steps cycle: teach, team study, test, and recognition. The teaching phase begins with presentation of materials, students should be told what it is they are going to learn and why it is important. In the team study, group members work cooperatively with teacher providing worksheet and answer sheet. Next, each student individually takes a quiz. Use a scoring system that ranges from 0 to 30 points and reflect degree of individual improvement over previous quiz. The criterion can be seen in improvement point table.
According to Slavin (1995: 72) each team receives one of three recognition awards, depending on the average number of points earned by them. From the description above, we know that STAD is a good technique for the teachers who are new to the cooperative approach. And it uses individual quizzes at the end of class.
The researcher used quantitative research in the form of quasi-experiment as research design. Based on Ary (2010:265), the experiment is a scientific investigation in which the researcher manipulates one or more independent variables, controls any other relevant variables, and observes the effect of the manipulations on the dependent variable(s).
In this research, the researcher used quasi experimental design in which there were experimental and control groups. According to Wiersma, W (1991: 135) quasi-experimental research involves the use of intact groups of subjects in an experiment, rather than assigning subject at random to experiment treatment. The researcher uses the quasi-experimental research because in this study the researcher uses all of subject in group to get a treatment.
In this research, there were two groups: experimental and control groups. The researcher gave different treatments to experimental and control groups. In experimental group, the researcher gave treatment using STAD, but in control group conventional teaching was used.
The population of this research was all students of first year students of MTs Negeri Batu. There are 249 students of first year students and divided into eight classes A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H classes; each class consists of at least 32 students but in class H only 25 students.
In this research, the researcher took two classes from the eight classes as the sample in this research which consists of 64 students. The sample was non-randomized design. Class E was control group and class F was experimental group.
In this research, the researcher used a set of test as instrument research to collect the data. The reading test items were taken from the students’ handbook. The researcher chose that test under the consideration of the level of students in MTs Negeri Batu.
In order to measure the capability of the students, the researcher used the score of pre-test and post-test as research instrument for both the experimental and control groups. Pre-test is the test that is conducted before giving the treatment in both experimental and control group in the research. The result of this test was the first data to be analyzed in this research.
After that, the researcher conducted the post test for both experimental and control group. Post-test is the test that is administered after giving treatment for both experimental and control groups. The scores of pre-test and post-test are the most consideration whether the treatment of the experimental group gives positive effect or not to the first year students in reading comprehension.
The researcher made a test as pre-test and pos-test to be given to the students in experimental research. The test was based on the materials given in the class. The test items were concerned with reading. The material was taken from students’ handbook and internet. The test items are valid because they are taken from an expert of test designer.
The pre-test was given to know students’ reading comprehension prior the treatment and give in the beginning of the research. Pre-test used to know the background knowledge of the samples in both experimental and control group. This test administered before giving the treatment.
The items in the pre-test are about descriptive text. The items number are 30 items of objective test. The validation of this test guarantee because the test already consulted to the lecturer and teacher. The question sources were taken from students’ guidance book. Besides, the researcher was consulting the item of test to the related English teacher.
The reliability of this test constructed by taking more items (30 items) on a test, not giving too much freedom for students by using closed test (multiple choice), providing clear instruction, specifying and striking the test time, ensuring the test are well laid out and perfectly legible.
After the pre-test, the researcher gives the treatment. The treatment is given to both experimental and control groups. In experimental group, the researcher applies Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) method. While in control group, the students was taught by using conventional method.
The treatment given in three meetings for each experimental and control groups, so there will be six meetings of treatment for both groups. The duration for each meeting is 2 X 40 minutes.
In this research, since the samples are first year students, the researcher was teach about descriptive text for both experimental and control groups. During the treatment for both experimental and control groups, the researcher uses the same guidance English book as the related teacher used (i.e. English in focus). The researcher also use another related sources.
After the treatment has already been given to the students, the researcher conducted the post-test. The purpose of the post-test was to know whether the treatment of using STAD method in learning could be effective or not for students’ reading comprehension in MTs N BATU.
Post test had the same number as the pre-test but different items. In post test, the items were about materials given, that is descriptive text. The validity of post-test can be seen from the content of the test. The content of the test was relevant with the material given during experiment or treatment.
The questions of post test were taken from English book during the treatment (i.e. English in focus). Besides, the researcher was consulting the item of test to the related English teacher and the lecturer.
The data analysis was used to determine the effect of using STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) method implemented to the experimental group to get better English reading comprehension. It could be indicated by pre-test and post-test scores. The scores from both the pre-test and the post-test collect was analysis by using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA).
This section focused on pre-test and post-test scores analysis of both experimental group and control group and the hypothesis testing. The result of pre-test scores of the experimental and control groups were presented in Appendix 1 and 2. After analyzing the data, the researcher found that the average scores group was different. The pre-test score of experimental group was 21.31 and control group was 14.25. The post test score of experimental was 23.59; whereas, the control group was 23.53.

Table 2: The summary of computation for Quasi-experimental design

Experimental group
Control group
n1 = 32
n2 = 32
N = 32





1= 23.59
2 = 23.53
= 23.56
1= 21.31
2= 14.25
= 17.78

The data analyzed by ANCOVA. Then, the researcher tested the null hypothesis (Ho) and the alternative hypothesis (H1) whether the score is rejected or accepted. The observed F- value that got from data analysis is compared with F critical from the table of critical F-values at level of significant 0.01. The critical value of “F” with the degree of freedom (df) = N-2, whereas 64-2=62, with level of significant 0.01 is 7.08, the observed in this study is 95.37, and F critical with df 1/62 at 0.01 level of significant was 7.08. It means that F value was higher than the F critical. It means that there are significant difference students’ score in reading comprehension of experimental (STAD) and control (Conventional) groups. The sum of score shown that reading comprehension test in experimental (STAD) group is higher than the sum of score in control (conventional) group.
Table 3: Summary of ANCOVA with Pre-test as Covariate
Source of Variance
Level of Significance
Between Group
Within Group


In this research, the researcher found that the experimental group used student-centered approach and the Control group focused on the researcher-centered approach, all the students had the same ability and the same competence but they had different enthusiasm and motivation. In the teaching process, the researcher found that the students in the experimental group were enthusiastic to study more about reading. During teaching learning process, students were asked in group. The group was consists of four to five students. Students should read the text together with their partner in a group. After the students finish reading the text, students were take individual quiz related to the text that already discussed with their partner. Students were not permitted to help one another during quizzes. Thus, every student is individually responsible for knowing the material. Students who have high score got additional point from the researcher.
In contrast, the procedures in the control group were assumed as boring activities. Some of the students were sleepy and lazy in the middle of teaching learning process because the main attention was directed on the researcher’s explanation. Unfortunately, the students could not increase their reading comprehension ability.
As matter of fact, the researcher concludes that teaching reading comprehension using STAD was effective for increasing students’ reading comprehension. According to (Slavin, 1995:17) in Rusman (2012: 214) there are some advantages of STAD. The first, Students work together in achieving its objectives by upholding the norms of the group. It means that if their groups want to get point, each group should help the member to learn more about the lesson but not in quiz. In quiz, the students should work individually. The next, actively assist and motivate students to succeed shared passion. It means that students can motivate and shared each other in order to solve the problem.
Another advantage is Active role as a peer tutor to further enhance the success of the group. Here, the student who was smarter than others in a group should help the other member to explain about the lesson. The last is interaction among students with increasing their ability to argue. As we know that having class in group make the students interact to each other, if they did not understand some lesson, they can ask to their member in group.
Finally, the finding showed that the both groups had significant difference. It could be said that experimental group was better than control group. The fact was known from the materials and activities used in experimental group support students to learn more about English. Meanwhile, it was really different from the activities of control group that not fulfill their need, as most of the attention was mainly organized to the teacher’s model. To conclude, teaching reading comprehension using STAD was better than using conventional method.
The analysis shows that there are significant difference students’ score in reading comprehension both experimental and control group. From the result of analysis in chapter IV, overall, the researcher conclude that there was a significant difference on students’ reading comprehension taught by using STAD and those taught by using conventional teaching. It means that the null hypothesis is rejected and the research hypothesis is accepted. From the explanation above, it could be said that teaching English using STAD is more effective than using conventional teaching.
The suggestion for the English teacher should think about using STAD in order to get better comprehension as proven from the result of this study. Then the teacher should choose the appropriate materials related to the topic to improve the students’ interest and active in the learning process. In making variation of the activities, the teacher can improve from the original one combine with the new one that is STAD method.
The next suggestion is directed to future researchers. First, the future researchers are expected to take longer time to conduct such study in order to enlarge the treatment and to be able to improve reading comprehension, besides that she or he should do the research intensively so that the result can be reliable and valid. Then, for the future researchers who use STAD should enlarge his or her understanding about STAD and change the supplementary materials correlated to its classroom activities.

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