Mayjen Haryono 193 Malang, Telp. 0431-571950
Nama :
Jurusan/Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Skripsi :
The Effect of snowball throwing on
Students Reading Comprehension Ability of First Year Students at MA Miftahul
Ma’arif PRAYA
words: Reading
comprehension, snowball throwing, and effect
research was studying
aimed at
figuering out whether there was significant
difference on students’ English reading comprehension between the students who
were taught by using snowball throwing technique and those
who were taught by conventional teaching. To achieve this purpose, the
researcher applied quasi-experimental, non-randomized pre-test and post-test
design, the variables examined in this research were independent variable
teaching English using snowball throwing technique and dependent variable
students’ English reading comprehension. The subjects were two groups of first
students which consisted of 17 students in each groups of MA Miftahul Ma’arif
of Praya.
this research, test was used as the instrument. The tests were given at the
beginning of study and at the end of the study. The tests were in the form of
multiple choices. The test was concerned about reading text. The validity of
the test items were checked by the teacher so that the reliability of the item
was guaranteed. After giving the pre-test, the treatment was given to both
groups with different teaching methods, the experimental group was taught
using snowball throwing technique, and the control group was treated by using
conventional teaching. The collected data were analyzed by using analysis of
result of the study showed that there was not a significant difference on
between the English reading comprehension of students taught by using snowball
throwing technique and those taught by using conventional teaching. It was
proven from the F critical with df 1/31 at level of significane 0.01 was 7.52 and F value was 1.26. So, it was clear that the
value of observed F was not higher than the critical F value (observed F< critical F).
Finally, based on the result of the research, the researcher
suggests the English teacher to consider and use snowball throwing technique, select other
supplementary materials and change the teaching activities. For the future researchers
are suggested to conduct more serious and intensive research in conducting
similar research, enlarge understanding about snowball throwing technique and
vary the supplementary materials. Meanwhile, the government is suggested to
think about teachers’ welfare by delegating teachers to join education seminar
and workshop so that his or her knowledge and professionalism can improve and
then the teacher to be able to make a new method in teaching and learning
All the suggestions expected to deepen the treatment
in order to apply snowball throwing method more effectively in improving
English reading comprehension.
Advisor I
Advisor II
Drs. Yahya Alaydrus,SPd,M.Pd Hamiddin.
S. Pd, M. Pd
Acknowledged by
On Behalf of Dean
First Assistant of Dean
Dr. Sunismi, M.Pd
NPP. 1910200005
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