This chapter deals with review of literature they
are the definition of writing, genres in writing, designing writing tasks,
approaches to students writing included process and product, genre, creative
writing, and writing as cooperative activity, the PPP method, and previous
2.1 The definition of writing
and Lincoln (1982:3) in Sulistiawati (2006:7) said that writing is a means of
communications we must consciously learn. But writing does have one big
advantage over speaking. It gives us time to think, to try out our ideas on
paper, to choose our words, to read what we have written, to rethink, to
revise, and rearrange it, and most importantly, to consider its effect on a
reader. Writing give us time to find the best possible way of stating what we
other hand, writing is a form of thinking, it is thinking for a particular
audience, and for a particular occasion (Angelo, 1980:5). It showed that
writing one way to implement our ideas. In other hand, writing is way to
communicate what we are thinking.
(1973) said that writing is involved not only in the finished product of many
industries but also all along the way in the production process. In the Islamic
world, writing was so important that it was used not only to communicate, but
also to decorate buildings, household objects, even more. In relation with definition above, the
writers has concludes that writing is the ability of expressing thoughts,
thinking, and feeling. Besides that, writing is the use of language for
expression and communication.
this case, according to West (1973) there are five steps in writing process
such as; prewriting, composing, editing, proofreading, and sharing. The
definitions are as follows; Prewriting is one the first step to help us
arranged the idea that we would to write. It is time to think about what you
want to communicate or about the assignment you’ve been given. The second step
is composing, composing means actually writing the rough draft. If you built an
outline during the prewriting process, you are off to get start. The third step
is editing, editing means going over the rough draft, reworking the words,
phrases, and sentences, and pulling the writer’s idea into the best and most
effective shape possible. Proofreading comes as the last step in the composing
process. When we are proofread, we put the final polish on our product by
checking for such mechanical errors as capitalization, punctuation, usage,
manuscript form, and other convention. Sharing in this case sharing is one of
the ways to correct our product with another writer or your teacher. One audience
is your English teacher, who brings to your writing special background, skills
and experience.
to make a post it should pay attention to the process of writing itself. As
already mentioned above there are some processes of writing such as prewriting,
composing, editing, proofreading, sharing. Several kinds of process writing
which has been mentioned above, it also help the writer expressing ideas they
will write.
2.2 Genres in
is different with text type, there are still several people who cannot differ
between genre and text type. Actually, there are ways in which the relationship
between genres and text types may be exploited in the language learning
Based on Paltridge (1996: 237), the
term ‘genre’ categorizes text on the basis of external criteria, while ‘text
types’ represent grouping of texts which are similar in linguistic form,
irrespective of genre. Thus the term ‘genre’ describes types of activities such
as, for example, prayers, sermons, songs, and poems, ‘which regularly occur in
society’ and ‘are considered by the speech community as being of the same
type’. Text types, on the other hand, represent grouping of texts which are
similar in terms of co-occurrence of linguistic patterns.
applications of the results of genre analyses seem to be based on the notion of
‘text type’ rather than ‘genre’. This is the case in the work of Hammond, J.,
A. Burns, H. Joyce, D. Brosnan, and L. Gerot (in Paltridge, 1996: 238) who in a
work focusing on adult second language literacy development, list as genre
categories anecdotes, descriptions, expositions, news items, procedures,
recounts, reports, and reviews. An examination of the written text presented in
Hammond et al., however, reveals that
these texts may be viewed from another perspective as well; that is, one which
identifies the genre and text type category membership of the genres.
Table 2.1: Example of genres and text types
Text Types
Personal Letter
Police Report
Student essay
Formal letter
Formal letter
News item
Health brochure
Student assignment
Biology textbook
Film review
(Source: based on Hammond et al. as cited in Paltridge, 1996: 239)
is clear from this analysis based on table 2.1 that more than one genre may
share the same type. That is, genre of advertisement and police reports may
both share the type of description. Equally, a single genre, such as formal
letters is included in exposition or problem-solution. In this study researcher
concern with writing a descriptive text because based on the syllabus (see appendix 2a) which used in the
senior high school as the subject of study.
According to
(Wishon&Burks,1980: 379) description reproduces the way thinks look, smell,
taste, feel, or sound; it may also evoke moods, such as happiness, loneliness,
or fear. It may be used also to describe more than the outward appearance of
people. It may tell about their traits of character personality.
2.3 Designing Writing Tasks
Nation and Newton (2009:95) said
that to know the improvement of students writing, the teacher should get them
to work on writing tasks. There are four types of writing tasks, they are:
experience tasks, share tasks, guided tasks, and Independent tasks. Those are as follows;
First type is experience tasks,
when the students assign the task based on topic that they have already known.
The teacher stimulates the students by giving oral questions about the topic.
Then, students write down the ideas into paper. Next type is shared tasks, when
the students produce writing with group. They help each other to plan and
produce the piece of writing. Doing tasks with group is easier than working
The third is guided tasks. The
teacher gives a guided composition task such us series picture with guided
questions and useful language items.
The last is independent task. The
teacher asks student to compose writing individually by giving a topic.
Approaches to Students Writing
According to Harmer (2007:352)
there are number of different approaches to the practice of writing skill both
in and outside the classroom. The different are as follows ;
Process and Product
Harmer (2007:325) said that in the
teaching of writing we can either focus on the product of that writing or on
the writing process itself. When concentrating on the product, we are only
interested in the aim of tasks and in the end product. It showed that the
process of writing not only see the product but also see how the process of
writing tasks.
Tribble ( 1996: 37- 39) suggest
that in reality, the writing process is more complex than this, of course, and
the various stage of drafting, reviewing, re- drafting and writing, etc. Thus
at the editing stage we may feel the need to go back to a pre- writing phase
and think again; we may edits bits of our writing as we draft it. However, the
process of writing is more complicated the process is important in do writing.
The writing process is at least as important as the product, and even in exam
writing tasks, the students’ ability to plan and later read back through what
they have written in order to make any necessary corrections is extremely
Harmer (2007: 327) when teacher
concentrate on genre, students study texts in the genre which they are going to
be writing before they embark on their own work. Thus, if we want them to write
business letters of various kinds, we let them look at typical models of such a
letter before starting to compose their own. Its mean that the guided or the
teacher of the student should introduce or explain what kind of genre itself,
such as descriptive, narrative, recount and etc. Without knowing about genres
the students will be difficult to make writing tasks.
Creative Writing
Ur (1996; 169) suggest that chief
among these is that the end result is often felt to be some kind of achievement
and that’ most of people fell pride in their work and want it to be read. Its
mean that the term creative writing suggests imaginative writing poetry,
stories and plays, such activities have a number of features to recommended
Vile (1998:31) creative writing is
a journey of self- discovery, and self- discovery promotes effective learning.
When teacher set up imaginative writing tasks so that their students are
thoroughly engaged, those students frequently strive harder than usual to
produce a greater variety of correct and appropriate language than they might
for more routine assignments.
Writing as a Cooperative Activity
Hammer (2007: 328- 329) Cooperative writing works well
whether the focus is on the writing process or, alternatively, on genre study.
In the first case, reviewing and evaluation are greatly enhanced by having than
one person working on text, and the generation of ideas is frequently more
lively with two or more people involved than it is when writers work on their
own. As like in this study the researcher use pair work to do this writing
test, it shows that this approach appropriate for doing in this learning process.
It means that the learning process use step by step.
Harmer (2007; 329) said that
cooperative writing is immensely successful if students are writing on a
computer. If the screen is big enough, everyone can make small changes both
during the initial writing process and also later on. Its mean that the
students can interact each other by using some social media. As we know writing
not only in the book but also in social media such as email, blogger, face
book, and etc. It showed that in the modern era the cooperative of writing are
more develop.
The PPP Method
Nunan (2008) said that PPP method is relatively straight
forward, and structured enough to be easily understood by both students and new
or new emerging teachers. Presentation, Practice and Production, or PPP as it
is called, is one of the most common teaching methodologies for ESL.
Presentation is presenting the current language lesson to the student.
Depending on the curriculum chosen, this could be such subjects as sounds,
parts of speech, vocabulary, sentence structure and grammar. Generally between
65 and 90 percent of class time is spent on the Presentation component. Next
the students will Practice what they are learning through activities that
require them to speak English. Practice exercises should progress toward
mastery of the concepts presented. The final component is Production, which is
an advanced form of Practice that requires students to think on their own
rather than completing the more closely targeted Practice exercises. The steps
are generally sequential, progressing from little student involvement to
maximum student involvement. Beginning teachers often have success using the
PPP methodology.
(2011) there are some advantages of PPP method such as PPP method not only for
the students, but also were the advantage for teachers. One of advantages were
the teacher had to design lesson plan to get right action in teaching of
English especially in writing skill.
In other hand, the
researcher would modifications the steps based on the originally steps, the
modification special for writing skill. The first step is called presentation
in this case the presentation the teacher give explanation about the material
in detail. The second step is called practice, practice in this case the
students did the tasks which the teacher still help the students. For example,
the teacher give the text to the students, the student should identify the
language feature and generic structure for the text. And the last steps is
production, in this case the students should make writing paragraph or essay by
their own word.
Harmer (2007) said that the PPP procedure, which
has offered to teacher trainees as a significant teaching procedure from the
middle of the 1960s onwards (though not then referred as PPP), came under a
sustained attack in the 1990s. It was, critics argued, clearly teacher-
centered (at least in the kind of procedure which we have demonstrated), and
therefore sits uneasily in a more humanistic and learner- centered framework.
It also seems to assume that students learn in straight line that is starting
from no knowledge, through highly restricted sentence- based utterances and on
to immediate production.
2.5 Previous study
researcher had search for some literature and studies conducted prior to
support the strategy used. Those study to support the investigation that will
be conducted. It is taken from previous studies researchers. Those are as
study conducted by MochammadSolikhuddin (2006).” Improving Students’ Speaking Competence by Using PPP (Presentation,
Practice, and Production) at The Second Grade students of MtsMiftahul Huda
ledugPrigen- Pasuruan”.Problem of the study based on the background of the
study, the researcher formulates the problem as follow,” how can PPP improve
speaking at the second grade students of MtsMiftahulhudaledugPrigen – Pasuruan?”.
different between previous and now are the use of PPP method is used to for
speaking skill. The level of students in the previous is use junior high school
and now use senior high school. Both previous and present researcher used the
methods the methods is PPP (presentation, practice, production). Both previous
and presents use in one cycle for did the research. The previous did in five
meeting in I cycle, and the presents did four meetings in I cycle. In the
previous the mean score of the result of test was 70.54. So, the previous got
successfully in one cycle. In the previous the researcher used group for did
the test, but in present study the researcher used pair to do the test.
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